In 2999, just as the people of Earth begin to enjoy the peace following the end of the Space War III, the Imperial alliance under the Imperial Master launch a new assault. Facing the evil alliance, Earth's defending forces are illprepared for another war and pin their hopes on Dr Benn Robinson and his new X-Bomber programme. What is the F-01 which the Imperial Alliance so eagerly pursues? What fate awaits the young crew of X-Bomber? This is an ambitious example of Supermariorama combining puppets and special effects from Japan.
34 Minute Making Of Documentary Featuring Series Creator Go Nagai, Master of Supermarionation Gerry Anderson, English Dubbing Director Louis Elman, The Voice of Dr Benn Robinson Peter Marinker and Soundtrack Composer Paul Bliss, Brian May's Starfleet Project Promo Video, Stills Gallery, Behind The Scenes Gallery, Character Biographies, Episode Synopses, Series synopsis,Collectables Gallery,Machine Descriptions,DIRECTOR | STARRING |
Go Nagai |
Garrick Hagon,Kevin Brennan,Peter Marinker,Jay Benedict,Constantine Gregory,Mark Rolston |