Peter Sellers stars as the bumbling Captain Dick Scratcher, a high seas pirate, Peter Boyle, Spike Milligan and Antony Franciosa lend their comedic talents in their search for buried treasure! Dreaming of untold riches and a harem of curvaceous woman, Scratcher and his roguish buccaneer band set sail for Treasure Island. But Captain Scratcher's quest for riches runs into a little snag - Ras Mohammed's ghost. A chest of loot worth a King's ransom lies buried beneath the ex-pirates remains! He fiercely protects his precious stash; and he doesn't take kindly to conniving grave robbers.... A riotous romp, GHOST IN THE NOONDAY SUN follows in the slapstick tradition of Monty Python and Benny Hill. It's a treasure of laughs that's sure to keep you in stitches!
Shortly after filming began, Peter Sellers began to lose confidence in the project and when Spike Milligan arrived on location to shoot his scenes, Sellers asked him to assess the footage that had been shot thus far. Milligan was unimpressed, which led to Sellers trying to convince Peter Medak to assist him in a scheme to get the production shut down. Medak refused to comply. Sellers subsequently became deliberately unco-operative and would often pretend to be sick, only to be later spotted water-skiing the same day. Sellers caused further upset by agreeing to shoot a cigarette commercial during one of the few off-days in the filming schedule, drafting in an unwilling Peter Medak to direct it, and then on the day refusing to be filmed holding the cigarette packet because he claimed to be the chairman of the Anti-Smoking League. Released several years after filming was wrapped and after Sellers' death (1980) in the 1980s, the film was semi-completed and released on VHS in the USA. The film never received a full cinematic release and this is it’s worldwide premiere on DVD.
Peter Medak, Spike Milligan |
Peter Sellers, Anthony Franciosa, Spike Milligan, Peter Boyle. |