Written, directed and starring Tim Robbins, Bob Roberts is a satirical, eye-opening, documentary-like journey into the world of American politics-where the message of the politician isn't necessarily confined to speeches and TV appearances.
This is the country where anything is possible, where even a catchy tune can catapult a politician to the heights of the greasy pole.Teaming up with a folk- singer, one hopeful candidate for the US senate makes a record that spins faster that any spin doctor! Soon they are climbing to the top of the hit parade, proving that image, a good tune and a bit of pure schmaltz mean more today than substance and detail.
More amazing than Watergate and more film mileage than a Ronald Reagan B-Movie, Bob Roberts says it all about politics.
Tim Robbins. |
Tim Robbins, Giancarlo Esposito, Alan Rickman. |